Accommodation Contract

  1. OBJECT. By virtue of this contract, the company SONESTA HOTEL LOJA, hereinafter referred to as the HOTEL, will provide lodging to the GUEST in the room and its accessories, in exchange for a fee, for the number of days indicated in the Hotel Registration Card. In no case shall the term exceed 30 consecutive days. 1.1.- The room will be as indicated in the Hotel Registration Card. The HOTEL may change the room if the guest accepts it and it is of equal or better conditions, or in the event of fortuitous event or force majeure. 1.2.- Check-in time is from 15:00 (3:00 pm) on the day of arrival and check-out time is until 13:00 (1:00 pm) on the day of departure. The period between these times constitutes a hotel day. Early check-in or late check-out is subject to availability and the GUEST must pay the corresponding fee. 1.3.- Lodging will be provided regardless of the actual time the GUEST stays in the room. Partial use incurs full payment of the rate. 1.4.- The provision of contracted services and complementary services offered by the hotel is subject to availability and the schedules, shifts, or physical stock of inputs, goods, facilities, or spaces for it.

The room and the price or rate per night will be as indicated in the Hotel Registration Card corresponding to the reservation.

  1. PRICE. 2.1.- The price of this contract corresponds to the nightly fee that the GUEST undertakes to pay, as indicated in the Hotel Registration Card corresponding to the made reservation, all of which will be detailed in the respective invoice, unless the reservation has been made and paid through a travel agency, in which case the rate will be as agreed directly with the agency.

2.2.- The GUEST must also pay for all charges for food, beverages, laundry, and generally for all those generated during their stay and charged to their account. 2.3.- The GUEST declares that they have been informed of the rates, fees, and general prices per night of the rooms. 2.4.- Non-payment will accrue default interest on the amount due.

  1. CUSTODY OF MONEY AND VALUABLES. In accordance with Article 1195 of the Commercial Code, GUESTS may deliver money and valuables to the HOTEL for safekeeping under receipt. For this purpose, delivery must be made to the HOTEL-designated official, and an act must be drawn up listing the money or items delivered. The HOTEL's responsibility will be that of a depositary, under the terms of Article 1196 of the Commercial Code. Valuable items such as jewelry, cameras, money, computers, cell phones, equipment, or utensils left in the room or service areas other than those designated by the HOTEL for deposit will be at the sole risk of the GUEST, as in this case the HOTEL assumes no responsibility in case of loss or damage.

  2. OBLIGATIONS. 4.1.- OF THE HOTEL. 4.1.1.- Provide the service specified in the contract. 4.1.2.- Attend, receive, process, and respond to suggestions, complaints, or claims made by the guest. 4.1.3.- Safeguard the money and valuables delivered by the guest under receipt for safekeeping, in accordance with Article 1195 of the Commercial Code. 4.1.4.- Fulfill other obligations established by law. 4.2.- OF THE GUEST. 4.2.1.- Identify themselves to register at the HOTEL with appropriate identification, presenting their national ID card if Colombian or their passport or applicable document if foreigner. For minors, a valid identification document must be presented. 4.2.2.- Pay the lodging fee plus applicable taxes. 4.2.3.- Pay for all consumptions and charges made to their account. 4.2.4.- Observe decent conduct and dress appropriately. 4.2.5.- Be responsible for their own and their guests' obligations up to slight negligence. 4.2.6.- Register all guests or companions of the GUEST who go to their room at the hotel reception and pay the corresponding fee or rate for each one of them. 4.2.7.- Respect the number of persons per room. 4.2.8.- THE GUEST acknowledges that engaging in sports, physical exercises, driving ships or vehicles, using instruments or tools, and generally any activity involving risk or considered dangerous will be their decision, under their sole responsibility, and implies that the GUEST possesses the skills and knowledge to assume such risks, releasing the HOTEL and its officials or employees from any liability in case of injury or damage. 4.2.9.- Use furniture, utensils, equipment, and generally all facilities both in the room and in the HOTEL appropriately, keeping them in their current state, and therefore, be liable for any damage or loss of HOTEL items and goods up to slight negligence. In case of total or partial loss or damage to HOTEL goods due to the fault of the GUEST or their companions, the GUEST shall pay the corresponding price for repair or replacement, as applicable. 4.2.10.- Respect the authority of the HOTEL Manager. 4.2.11.- Allow HOTEL officials the right to inspect and/or monitor the room. This right will be exercised reasonably and includes the power to enter or search the room when deemed necessary by the HOTEL Manager. 4.2.12.- Allow HOTEL employees and officials access for routine cleaning and maintenance of the room.

  3. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT. The lodging contract will terminate in the following events: 5.1- Upon expiration of the agreed term. 5.2.- For breach of any obligations by the parties and specifically for failure to pay the lodging fee or price by the GUEST, or for failure to pay for food and beverages or other complementary services charged to the room or personal account of the GUEST. 5.3.- In cases where, at the sole discretion of the HOTEL, the conduct or attire of the GUEST undermines the peace and/or hygiene of other guests or HOTEL visitors. 5.4.- For smoking in the room or in any other smoke-free area of the hotel, when affecting other guests, visitors, or users, without prejudice to the payment that must be made under the terms established below. Paragraph: The termination of the contract does not exempt or release the GUEST from payment of outstanding balances.

  4. EFFECTS OF TERMINATION. 6.1.- Upon termination of the contract, the HOTEL may freely dispose of the room. 6.2.- Upon termination of the contract, regardless of the reason for termination, the HOTEL is authorized to enter the room, prepare and sign an inventory of the guest's belongings and luggage, and remove them from the room for safe and proper storage, without any liability on the part of the HOTEL and at the risk and expense of the GUEST. 6.3.- If the GUEST fails to pay the bill or part thereof, the HOTEL may dispose of and sell the GUEST's luggage and belongings under the terms of Article 1199 of the Commercial Code, to cover their outstanding obligations with the proceeds. Any surplus, if any, will be made available to the GUEST. In case of a deficit, the HOTEL may initiate corresponding actions to collect the total amount owed.

  5. MISCELLANEOUS. 7.1.- Legal nature of the contract. In accordance with Article 79 of Law 300 of 1996, the lodging contract is a lease agreement, of a commercial and adhesion nature. 7.2.- The lodging contract is evidenced by the hotel registration card issued by the HOTEL, accepted by the GUEST's signature, which states their adherence to the stipulations herein. The GUEST expressly agrees that the clear sum of money appearing on the invoice will have executive merit. 7.3.- The HOTEL rejects and does not allow sexual exploitation or any form of sexual abuse. The HOTEL rejects and does not allow sex tourism or exploitation or sexual abuse of children and adolescents. The GUEST may not bring minors under the age of eighteen (18) into their room for sex tourism, and anyone who does so will incur imprisonment from 5 to 10 years and a fine of 50 to 100 minimum monthly legal wages. The penalties specified in the preceding sentence will be increased by half (1/2) when the conduct involves minors under twelve (12) years of age. 7.4.- Charges for smoking in rooms. Consistent with environmental and health care, all rooms and generally all areas of the hotel are smoke-free. Smoking in the room or in any other area of the hotel constitutes a serious breach of the lodging contract, leading to its termination and the GUEST may be expelled from the HOTEL if it has affected other guests, visitors, or users. If the GUEST smokes in the room, for each day they do so, they must pay (i) the cost incurred by the HOTEL to deodorize and clean the room, estimated at an amount equivalent to USD 100, calculated at the market exchange rate on the day of payment, and (ii) the value of (2) nights at the rate corresponding to their lodging, as the cleaning and deodorizing process prevents the HOTEL from using the room for the following two (2) nights. If smoking occurs in any area of the hotel other than the room, the GUEST must pay the cost incurred by the HOTEL to deodorize and clean the area where they smoked, amounting to USD 100, calculated at the market exchange rate on the day

of payment. 7.5.- The HOTEL promotes compliance with Resolution 572 of 2005 and other regulations for the conservation of Flora and Fauna as well as the conservation of cultural heritage and cultural assets of interest, and contributes to compliance with Law 397 of 1997 and other applicable regulations. 7.6.- The HOTEL rejects any form of discrimination, distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on gender, race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, political opinion, or any other condition or motive intended to or having the effect of impairing, restricting, or limiting the full enjoyment of fundamental rights and freedoms.

PRIVACY NOTICE. AUTHORIZATION FOR USE OF DATA AND INFORMATION. By signing this contract, the GUEST expressly authorizes the HOTEL, as the operator of the HOTEL, and LOGÍSTICA GHL SAS with Tax ID 900760011, to collect and use the information and personal data provided by the GUEST in the Hotel Registration Card, such as name, address, identification, nationality, date of birth, email address, fixed and mobile telephone numbers, personal preferences and interests, occupation or activity, in accordance with the secure information handling policies established by the Hotel itself and by current laws, for the purpose of conducting loyalty activities, contacting the information holder to send service surveys after each stay to evaluate the service provided, and communicating invitations, offers, promotions, service portfolios, or general information aimed at encouraging further use of the Hotel or other hotels that fall under "a GHL experience," and to offer corresponding services. The GUEST authorizes that the information may be transferred, transmitted, shared, and provided to LOGÍSTICA GHL SAS, exclusively for the purposes described above.

The GUEST, as the owner of personal data, shall enjoy all rights provided by law, as expressly described in Article 8 of Law 1581 of 2012, and in particular shall have the right at all times to know, access, update, and rectify their personal data, revoke the authorization granted, or request the deletion of information when appropriate.

Information handling policies can be consulted on the website or at the hotel reception, where a physical copy is kept. The HOTEL and LOGÍSTICA GHL SAS, as responsible for data handling, can be contacted for all relevant matters at telephone (57-1) 3139333 or via email at

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